Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle
William A. Pelz (editor), Howard Zinn, and Eugene V. Debs (introduction)
Merlin Press

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Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle
William A. Pelz (editor), Howard Zinn, and Eugene V. Debs (introduction)
Institute of Working Class History

By the same author(s)

A. W. Zurbrugg (Editor), James Connolly, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Emma Goldman, Sylvia Pankhurst, Eugene V. Debs, and Errico Malatesta
Eugene V. Debs and Arthur Schlesenger, Jr.
Jean Y. Tussey (editor) and Eugene V. Debs
John Stauffer (foreword), Howard Zinn (afterword), and Zoe Trodd (editor)
Noam Chomsky, Laura Nader, Immanuel Wallerstein, R. C. Lewontin, Richard Ohmann, Howard Zinn, Ira Katznelson, David Montgomery, and Ray Siever
Norman Solomon, Reese Erlich, Howard Zinn, and Sean Penn
Howard Zinn, Moises Samam, and Gino Strada
Howard Zinn (Author) and Wes Modes (Illustrator)
C. T. Butler, Keith McHenry, and Howard Zinn

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Labor Studies

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